privacy policy

The Why

The purpose of fanlistings is to have public online lists of fans of different subjects from all over the world. The fanlistings here at as well as the Robin Hobb fanlisting that is part of the same collective but is located at are part of The Fanlistings Network ( and as such are required to collect certain data listed below.

The What

When you join any fanlisting, you are required to provide the following information, which is then displayed publicly on the fanlisting in question:

You can also submit additional information, such as your website URL and in some cases additional details such as a reason why you’re a fan. Filling out these additional form fields is always completely voluntary.

The How

The collected data is not used for anything other than displaying member names, countries and total number/numbers per countries on the fanlisting in question as well as in the statistics of the collective. It is not shared with any other parties, except in the case where I decide to “adopt out” the fanlisting: that is when the ownership of the fanlisting is transferred by me to another person. This process usually includes giving a copy of the database to the new owner so that members won’t have to re-join. After transferring the ownership and the database, I delete the original one database.

I do not use the collected email addresses for any purposes other than informing the members if the fanlisting URL has changed or if I am closing or adopting out the fanlisting or if there are other significant changes.
The main purpose of requiring an email address from anyone who joins is that it allows members to set and change a password so they can edit their information or to reset a lost password.

But What About

Do you no longer have access to the email you joined with and would like to change your information?
Do you want to delete your information altogether?
Do you have any questions regarding this policy?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me