
This is the one and only tFL.org listed fanlisting for the illustrator Pauline Baynes (1922 - 2008). She is best known for the original illustrations for the Chronicles of Narnia, but her award-winning works cover over a hundred other titles as well, including some books by J.R.R. Tolkien whose favourite artist she was. Read more about her and fanlistings. Please note that this fanlisting is NOT affiliated in any way with Pauline Baynes or anyone who has published her arts.

If you're a fan of Pauline Baynes and her illustrations, please do join us!

fanlisting information

Category: Arts: Graphic Arts/Artists
Site opened: 28th June 2003
Last updated: 01st July 2024
Member count: 122 from 23 countries
Pending members: 0
Last added/edited members: Mervi

100 members

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